Writing About Your Travel Experience For A Memorable Story 

Do you have a knack for storytelling and an urge to share your travel experiences with the world? If so, then travel writing might be for you! Travel writing aims to inform, educate, and entertain your readers. 

Types Of Travel Writing

There are many different types of travel writing, and the best way to find your niche is to experiment with a few different styles. Here are some of the most popular types: 

Destination Pieces 
These articles focus on a specific destination, such as a city or country. They typically include information on things to do, see, and eat at the destination. 

Trip Reports 
These are first-hand accounts of a trip, complete with details on where you went, what you did, and what you thought of the experience. 

Feature Stories 
These are longer articles that delve deeper into a destination, covering its culture, history, and people. 

Service Pieces 
These articles provide readers with information like places to stay, ways to get around, and things and places to see at a travel destination. 

Tips and Advice 
These articles offer readers practical advice on planning a trip, such as budgeting tips, packing lists, and itinerary ideas.  

It should give them a taste of what it’s like to visit the places you have been to and help them understand the culture and people there. We review the basics of travel writing and explain the process of how you can turn your trips into a tale.  

Where Does Inspiration Come From?

Inspiration for travel writing can come from anywhere. It might be a place you have always wanted to visit or somewhere you have never even considered before.  

It could be a country with a rich culture and history, or it could be a constantly evolving city. It’s all about finding new perspectives and sharing them with your audience.  

Travel Tales

  • Start With the Basics: Who, what, when, where, and why. 
  • Set the scene by describing your surroundings. 
  • Use strong verbs to describe your actions and the action around you. 
  • Create vivid descriptions of the people you met and the places you visited. 
  • Evoke the senses to bring your readers into the experience with you. 
  • Use dialogue to bring your characters to life. 
  • Use active voice for a more engaging read. 
  • Avoid using clichés and flowery language — let your story be the star. 
  • Write from your perspective — it should be personal and reflective. 
  • Have fun with it! Travel writing should be an enjoyable experience for both you and your readers.  

Inspirational Sample

I awoke to the sound of roosters crowing and the sun peeking through the cracks in the bamboo walls of my hut. I lazily got out of bed, stretched, and took in the view of rice paddies and palm trees surrounding me. It was another beautiful day in Bali, and I was excited to explore more of the island.  

After a quick breakfast of fruit and coffee, I set out on foot, following a winding path through the jungle. The air was thick with humidity, and I could hear insects and animals all around me. I felt my skin prickling with sweat as I walked, but I didn’t mind. I was in paradise.  

Final Notes

Now that you know the basics of travel writing, it’s time to start putting your spin on it. The best way to do this is to focus on your personal experiences and the stories you must tell. 

Your travel tales should be interesting, engaging, and informative. When writing your tales, use descriptive language to paint a picture for your readers, share your personal experiences and insights and be entertaining yet informative.